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Frequently Asked Question

Ans : The cataract is an eye condition that causes cloudiness of the lenses in your eye. This prevents the light from passing to the retina, causing blurred or poor vision. Like your age, you develop cataract naturally. Sometimes, the cloudiness is very s

Ans : Yes, you need to undergo surgery for removing the cataract from your eye. You have to consult an eye doctor first. He or she will conduct various tests, review your complete medical history for determining whether you need a vision correctional surgery.

Ans : The tears in your eyes keep them lubricated and moist. That keeps your eyes comfortable. Dry eyes are caused when your eyes are not producing enough tears. You may notice a blurred vision, light sensitivity, redness, and itching in your eyes. Any di

Ans : The doctor may give you artificial tears and ointments to keep your eyes lubricated. The doctor may even opt for a procedure called temporary punctal occlusion to treat your condition.

Ans : Physiotherapists are university trained and are experts in injury diagnosis, injury treatment, exercise prescription, injury prevention, rehabilitation and many other areas of sport and health and fitness.

Ans : Physiotherapy is a mode of treatment, where your condition is being treated with the help of physical agents like electrical currents, manual assistance, exercise, etc. It’ll add a new dimension to your life style by training you about correct postu

Ans : General surgeons consider your health history and care preferences in determining whether surgery is right for you. Some conditions may benefit from watchful waiting. Ongoing testing helps us detect changes that may signal the need for surgery.

Ans : Pain is relative — your tolerance for pain may differ from that of the next person. It's natural to experience some pain or discomfort at the surgical site as well as some possible bone/joint tenderness after surgery. Your orthopedic surgeon will work closely with your clinical team and other caregivers to determine the best pain management strategy for you.

Ans : ENT stands for ears, nose, and throat. This phrase is a common term for otolaryngologists – doctors who specialize in diagnosis and treatments for conditions affecting the ears, nose, and throat, as well as other structures in the neck and head.